Let’s Talk All About Anems!

Jan 22, 2025

Let’s Talk All About Anems!

Hey there,

What’s an anem? It’s that which we call an anemone and (Shakespeare wordplay aside) if Instagram is any indication, they’re one of your faves because every time we post a pic of these stunning flowers, we get alllll the likes. In the past, we’ve peppered these crowd-pleasing petals into our signature burlap-wrapped arrangements, and sometimes design all anemone bouquets so we wanted to take a moment to shout out some hot tips and tricks for enjoying anemones at home!

Some like it hot, anemones do not!

Anemones are just like a lot of life’s most enjoyable things (pints of Strawberry Haagen Daz, fancy face cream, that little pebble ice you get at Sonic) and that’s to say temperature sensitive! They close up when it’s cold and bloom big when it’s hot, so keep that in mind when you’re choosing a spot to display your anemone arrangement at home. We also recommend avoiding any place that might come in contact with direct heat or sunlight, like under a vent, directly next to the window, or some more unexpected places like near an oven or stove!

Keep your friends close but don’t keep anemones (too) close together.

Anemones need room to stretch their petals and bloom big so be careful not to overcrowd hem in a vase. If you pack a vase full of anemones too tightly, you risk preventing the stems from being able to fully bloom and can also shorten their vase life altogether.

FRAGILE: Handle with care!

Although anemones make a big visual impact, they’re delicate flowers so handle them accordingly. Our top tips? Avoid touching their petals as much as possible, be careful not to wet the petals when designing your flower arrangement or changing out the vase water, and when mixing them into an arrangement with other types of fresh flowers and foliage, make them one of the very last things you add. To help with this, grab the anemones by their stem (and give them a good trim while you’re at it to help encourage the best water absorption!) instead of their heads.

Work the angles.

Anemones are exceptionally photogenic, but you’ll get the best pic if you work their natural angles to your advantage. Play around with the twists and turns of their stems (some zig, some zag, and some do a little of both) so they “face” the desired direction(s).

All or one!

Whether you go for one all-anemone flower arrangement, mix a few into a bouquet with other fresh flowers or foliage, or stick a single anemone or two into a bud vase, these dainty showstoppers are just about guaranteed to catch your eye.

Ready for some anems? We’ve got you covered. Shop our mixed burlap-wrapped bouquets (that we’ve totally added a few anemones into!), a single stem anemone flower arrangement, or any other farm fresh flower arrangements featuring these blooms we all love, Farmgirl as the perfect anemone flower arrangement for online delivery to your door.


Team Farmgirl

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