Christina Shows Gratitude In Floral Form This Mother's Day

Apr 12, 2024

Christina Shows Gratitude In Floral Form This Mother's Day

Hey there,

Wow, I can’t believe this is my 14th (?!!) Mother’s Day of designing and sending fresh flower bouquest since starting Farmgirl! Some days it feels like a few years and some days it feels more like a few decades. I’m not sure what that says, but what I do know is that I’m so grateful I can say that we've has been part of your Mother's Day gifting and celebrations for this long. I know what a blessing this is, especially considering how challenging the last few years have been, and I don’t take that for granted for even a minute. Thank you all for allowing me, and us, to still be here kicking and screaming sometimes, but to just be here is a privilege. 

And speaking of Mother’s Day, it truly is my favorite holiday of the year to send flowers. Even with all the stress and inevitable complications that will arise daily leading up to and during the Mother's Day rush, it will probably always be my favorite for so many reasons. First, it’s Spring, so the flowers are SO MUCH better than they are in February when we’re 1) trying to get our eucalyptus-sapped hands on anything that’s remotely beautiful and 2) holding our collective breaths that Mother Nature doesn’t have a voodoo doll with our names on it that year. Not to mention that winter storms are finally over, so we can also not be on pins and needles that a giant snowstorm is going to delay our packages from arriving on time, disappointing all of you - and our bank accounts when we have to pay to reship them all over again. But probably the biggest reason why sending flowers for Mother's Day is my personal favorite is because we get to play a part in making Mom, and Mom figures, feel loved, appreciated, and cared for all over the country. Not many companies get to do that - and we’re so honored that you all trust us enough to do that for your loved ones. 

From my Mom - who means so much to me - to Mom friends who tried for so long to become Moms, to friends who chose not to be Moms but who care for everyone around them in the same way Mothers do, to friends who have lost their Moms and have never been the same (as I’m sure will be the case when I’m in their position) - Mother's Day is about showing love to those who have loved you. And how incredibly special is that? So yeah, Mother’s Day will always be my favorite flower holiday, and here’s hoping it ranks pretty high for you as well.

And, as always, thank you so much for allowing us to play a part in showing the Moms in your life love with our fresh flower bouquets, vase arrangements, and goodies. We couldn’t be more grateful. Take a moment to go big for that Mother (or Mother figure) in your life, and send flowers for Mother's Day to your mom or loved one. You can view our 2024 Mother's Day flower shop here or browse all fresh flowers here.



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