Happy 14th Birthday, Farmgirl!

Nov 12, 2024

Happy 14th Birthday, Farmgirl!

Hey There,

Christina here.

Well, Farmgirl is officially 14 years old. And, especially as of late, I feel a lot like what I remember this age feeling like when I was a teenager myself.

On one hand, you’ve outgrown the age where your parents are rough brushing your hair into some semblance of a ponytail before school but, on the other, you’re still too young to drive or decide on your own bedtime. It’s a weird sort of middle state that’s somewhere between duckling and (hopefully) swan.

As an “official” teenager again, and after what was admittedly a rough go of the pre/tween years, I still can’t decide if 14 feels more like four or 40 years. But, whichever one, I’ve loved sharing all the highs and lows of this journey with you all. And while I have plenty of recent, gory stories I could share with you today – and one in particular that I think will blow your mind (like think Netflix docuseries type of blow your mind!), until we get to the other side of that particular gauntlet, it will have to remain in the crazy Farmgirl stories vault for now. I promise, I’ll share more when I can. But, as for the rest, I think instead of more nitty gritty, I’m in the mood to try and bring more joy to my, and hopefully your, lives. Because right about now, I think joy is something we all could use a little more of.

If you’ve been with us for a while, you probably know I’m a huge Brené Brown fan. Her work on vulnerability and shame has been a game-changer for me, helping me strive to be the kind of leader—and person—I want to be for myself and my team. Brené talks about how gratitude opens the door to joy, and when I look at the people who seem to radiate joy, I always see a deep well of gratitude in them, too. And alongside that gratitude, there’s often vulnerability, humility, and a kind of intellectual curiosity that, I imagine, only deepens their appreciation for life.

So, instead of rehashing the tough parts of this past year (and trust me, there have been plenty—I’m sure many of you can relate), I want to share some things I’m truly grateful for. It’s been a challenging season, but as we celebrate our 14th birthday, I want to just focus on the good.

And I promise I won’t list one for each year and keep this going for ten more pages! ;)  In fact, I’ve even bullet-listed them out to keep them as succinct as possible so juuust maybe I can refrain from the TL;DR type of letter you all know I can’t help but write.

Here we go:

  • First, I cannot tout my team enough. I’m so lucky to work with such a talented, dedicated group of people. Around here, we often say we're not a “family” but more like a high-performing sports team, and let me tell you, I feel like I won the lottery with this crew. Building the right team hasn’t always been easy; I've had my fair share of missteps along the way. And while it can be all too easy to focus on the handful who didn’t quite fit, when I do that it takes away from celebrating the incredible folks who make Farmgirl what it is today. This team is hardworking, and kind, and they genuinely care about what we’re creating together. I think that heart and dedication really show in everything we do, and I couldn’t be more grateful for them.
  • I don’t often share much about my personal life—and I probably won’t start oversharing anytime soon—but there’s something I just can’t skip over this year. I was lucky enough to get engaged to the most amazing person, someone who truly supports me in ways I could only dream of before. Having a partner like this has changed my life, not just as a CEO, but as a person. If you don’t have that kind of support yet, my deepest hope is that one day you will—it’s truly been life-changing for me.
  • I’m also so grateful for another year of business, of health, and of just being here. As a bootstrapped CEO, I know all too well that nothing’s guaranteed; we could lose it all tomorrow. I try to never take a day for granted, though I’ll admit that on the hard days, it’s easy to forget. So here’s my reminder to myself, and maybe to you too: I get to do this. Each day is a privilege, and for that, I’m endlessly grateful.
  • This year at Farmgirl has been packed with some truly “pinch me” moments, and we couldn’t be more thankful. We’ve had the chance to team up with brands we’ve only dreamed about—like L.L. Bean and Safeway (did you catch our Bay Area pilot at Safeway?!). And somehow, we even got to work with celebrities whose music has had a huge impact on our lives (Gwen Stefani, anyone?). From regular TODAY Show appearances to a whirlwind of press moments I never imagined possible when starting this company out of my living room, we’re beyond grateful for each of these opportunities. And a huge shoutout to our amazing publicist, Amanda Molina of Casita Creative Studio, who has opened so many of these doors. It’s been a mind-blowing year, and we couldn’t be more excited and grateful for everything we’ve gotten to be a part of!

But let’s be real—none of this compares to the honor you all have trusted us with in getting to play a part in bringing joy into your loved ones' lives – and that’s a gift we don’t take lightly. The fact that we get to help you share love and joy every day is truly an honor. Thank you for letting us be part of those moments—you’re what makes all of this possible.

But before you go shopping, just one last thank you.

I try to say this anywhere and everywhere that I can, but even that feels like it will always fall woefully short. Because even during an awkward, gangly, in-between year like this one, it is entirely a privilege to be able to be even a small part of y’all’s lives when you send Farmgirl to your loved ones. The notes I read when I am packing orders on a holiday or helping sort cards for the fulfillment teams often make me laugh out loud, or burst into tears, or pull my phone out to call my own friends and family.

I’ve shared some of these messages with the team when we’re burning the midnight oil during Mother’s Day to remind them exactly why - and for who - we need to push through the last long shift before some well-deserved rest. And I’ve kept the memory of a few myself to help me reground when I’m trying to puzzle my way through a problem on a whiteboard or spreadsheet, searching for a solution for the newest obstacle this new, post-COVID “normal” has sent our way. Because, at the end of the day, being able to help even one of you bridge the distance between you and your best friend, or your mom, or the new person you started dating who lives a state away, is a feeling that will never get old. Even if Farmgirl (eventually) will.



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