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The Tale of the Rose Guard Petals (And Why They’re So Important)

Jul 31, 2024

The Tale of the Rose Guard Petals (And Why They’re So Important)

Hey there,

Ah, roses. The timeless classics, the star of many a love story and the bloom that never goes out of style (red lip rose classic, anyone?). Some say a rose is a rose is a rose… well, not in our book. But one thing we can confirm to be consistent across all roses, regardless of their breed, is the significance of those outer petals that might look a bit rough around the edges when you first get your rose delivery - aka the guard petal! These unsung heroes of the rose world act as the first line of defense for these delicate beauties and play a bigger role than you may think. We’re here to spill the tea around why these petals are as essential as the rose itself.

Let’s get into it!


What are guard petals, anyway?

Humor us for a sec – you’re at the farmer’s market (our favorite Saturday morning errand) and it’s bursting with life. Peaches, nectarines, cherries, all vying for attention. You come across a rosebud nestled among a small flower stand with its own little shield of outer petals that miiight look a touch less glamorous than the rest. These are the guard petals. They’re the brave, outermost layer that takes on the world while protecting the precious inner petals that make roses the classic flower we know all too well. While these warriors might not be the prettiest, they’re definitely the mightiest, which is the very reason we choose to leave them intact when shipping fresh roses out to you or your recipient.


Guard petals protect your roses (and you’ll thank them for it!)

Think of guard petals as the armor of a rose. Their primary job? To protect the inner petals during their journey from our farm to your doorstep. From being harvested from the field, to being designed into one of our handmade flower bouquets, to delivery, these petals bear the brunt of any bumps or bruises along the way. Without these hardy little defenders, the delicate inner petals would be vulnerable to damage and we wouldn’t get to enjoy the full, breathtaking beauty of a rose in bloom. What does that mean for you? Well, simply put, it means your roses will be ready to rehydrate in a vase and bloom in all its glory once it finally arrives to you or your recipient.


To pluck or not to pluck?

This is probably the biggest tip we can give our rose recipients after they unbox their Farmgirl arrangement. You receive your rose bouquet and notice that those outer petals we’ve been hyping all the way up may look a bit weary (aka bruised, browned, or a bit dry or wilted). Not to worry! These petals have simply done their job in protecting the inner, more beautiful petals that are the star of the show. For any guard petals that look particularly sad, you can gently remove these from your roses to reveal the fresher petals within. To do this, simply use two fingers to grab the base of the outer petal and softly pluck it away. Careful not to get carried away though as you should only remove that outer layer of petals that have taken more of a beating than you’d like. From there, give your rose stems a good trim and let them rehydrate in cool, fresh water (after all, they’ll be mighty thirsty after their long journey to you!).

And finally… embrace the imperfection that is Mother Nature!

In a world where we often seek perfection, let’s remind ourselves that flowers are grown in, well, nature! This means they’re around dirt, little bugs, and ultimately, grow from the ground. Our take on this? Embrace the imperfections and know that what you’re working with is a living thing grown out in the fields with other flowers and crops, the elements of weather, and more. So while you can rest assured your Farmgirl Flowers rose bouquet or arrangement will arrive in the best, freshest quality around, there may be some character every now and then, just like any living thing!

Now that you’re all caught up on the guard-petals-411, take a moment to appreciate those hardworking guard petals the next time you order an online delivery of roses. After all, they’re the reason your roses can truly bloom where they’re planted.

Want to snag a bouquet of roses for you or a loved one? We’ve got you covered. Shop all farm fresh roses here!


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