The Blog

We Tested Three Ways To Keep Hydrangeas From Wilting... Here’s What Happened! thumbnail

We Tested Three Ways To Keep Hydrangeas From Wilting... Here’s What Happened!

Ever wonder how to keep your hydrangeas living their best vase life? We're sharing a Farmgirl experiment to help keep these blooms from wilting.

An Update From Christina: Introducing Route Package Protection thumbnail

An Update From Christina: Introducing Route Package Protection

In today's blog, we're sharing a recent update from our founder and CEO, Christina, to talk about our partnership with Route Package Protection and how that impacts our Terms and Conditions. Read along for the latest!

Christina’s Must Have Tools For The Perfect Summer Garden thumbnail

Christina’s Must Have Tools For The Perfect Summer Garden

Ever wonder what it takes to create the perfect summer garden? We're sharing our founder and CEO's favorite gardening tools to do just that.

How To Use Flower Food Correctly (And Why We Include It In Every Shipment!) thumbnail

How To Use Flower Food Correctly (And Why We Include It In Every Shipment!)

Let's get nerdy! Today we're talking all things flower food. From what it is to how to use it, you'll be a flower food pro in no time (and your fresh flower delivery will thank you for it!).

Let's Talk Ranunculus 101 thumbnail

Let's Talk Ranunculus 101

Introducing the peony's little sister, ranunculus! What better way to honor one of our favorite flowers here at Farmgirl than to talk all about her. We call it... ranuncs 101.

How To Take Care Of Your Favorite Flowers, Peonies! thumbnail

How To Take Care Of Your Favorite Flowers, Peonies!

From what to expect upon delivery to taking care of these beautiful blooms, we're talking about most of your favorite flower, the peony!

7 Creative Ways to Upcycle Our Signature Burlap Wrap thumbnail

7 Creative Ways to Upcycle Our Signature Burlap Wrap

Let's get crafty! We're teaching you our favorite ways to give our signature burlap flower wrap new life (did someone say D.I.Y.?). Join us!

A Cut Above: All The Things About Rose Varieties And Why They’re Unique thumbnail

A Cut Above: All The Things About Rose Varieties And Why They’re Unique

A rose is a rose is a rose? Not in our book! In today's blog, we're getting into all the special qualities of our favorite rose varieties and what makes each of them unique.

Farm Fresh Flowers For Birthdays? They’re At The Top Of Our List. thumbnail

Farm Fresh Flowers For Birthdays? They’re At The Top Of Our List.

Looking for a birthday gift for just about anyone? Today we're talking all things birthday flowers and why we L O V E sending fresh seasonal blooms to celebrate.