We're Talking Flower Care & Styling For A Farmgirl Fave: Daffodils

Feb 23, 2024

We're Talking Flower Care & Styling For A Farmgirl Fave: Daffodils

Hey there!

Team Farmgirl here. 

The literal sun may still be a few weeks (months?!) from rejoining the chat, but in the meantime we’re making do with a little metaflorical sunshine courtesy of one of our favorite flowers, daffodils. One of the earlier risers to make their way into the season at the beginning of the year, these bulb flowers are more than just the SPF 100-level yellow petals you’re used to seeing pop up at the market this time of year. 

Got a flower delivery of these Farmgirl favorites headed your way? We’ve put together some of our top tips and tricks for the care and styling of these signs of spring to ensure your daffodil flower arrangement is simply stunning. Let’s get into it!

First, brass tacks.

Daffodils are perennials, which is a shorthand way of saying that the plant will persist for multiple growing seasons. Each season the top part of the flower (read: everything above ground) dies back but the bulb from which the flower grew lives on, readying itself over the winter to bloom again. And again. And again. Perennially. 

Belonging to the amaryllis family, daffodils have thirteen different classifications that give way to tens of thousands of varieties, everything from the more ubiquitous sunshine colored cuts you’re used to seeing this time of year to more specialty and heirloom variants. This year we’re proud to work with an Oregon flower grower that’s planted a range of daffodils - their grower’s bunches will start with the more familiar yellow stems and progress into some lesser known types with paler yellow, cream, and even orange petals. 

Onto unboxing!

Fresh on your doorstep daffodils can be a little, well, deceiving. Lanky and green, unbloomed daffodils look more paintbrush than flower. This is totally normal and intentional on our part because it means your stems live their entire - not just the tail end - blooming life with you! 

Some folks will also pay special attention to the spathe at this point. It’s the thin, semi-translucent, and, in some cases, brown cap on the flower end of the daffodil. The color, in particular, can scare recipients into thinking something is wrong with the flower, but this is a totally normal and natural part of the stem that helps to protect the more delicate bloom. As the stems open in the vase you’ll see the spathe split and begin to peel back revealing the corona and petals. 

Take note!

Daffodils emit a sap when cut, and folks with sensitive skin may find it a bit irritating. We always recommend washing your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap after styling your daffodil flower arrangement. And, if you have particularly sensitive skin we recommend wearing garden gloves when trimming and styling your bouquet.

When it comes to styling daffodils we think simple is best. These stems tend to run on the shorter side, so we recommend a vase that is ½ to ⅓ their height. Generally this is somewhere between 3” and 5” inches, but some daffodils may run taller (or shorter!) than others. Next, you’ll want to choose a vase that also gives your stems some room to bloom, since the unbloomed flower is much narrower than a fully bloomed one. We’ll be honest, your flower arrangement will likely read a little empty and uninteresting to start, but with daffodils you have to trust the process! In a few days time you’ll have a vase full of gorgeous flowers.

If you don’t have one vase that will fit all of your stems, another trick we love to use with daffodils is to style multiple bud vases. We love the look of these scattered down a dining room table or throughout the house so you can enjoy the flowers wherever you are! And if you don’t have a series of bud vases in your collection, you can easily hack these with upcycling smaller condiment bottles and spice jars. We love glass heavy cream containers, vinegar bottles, and salt cellars, but the kitchen has so many options for alternative vessels in a pinch.

However and wherever you style your stems, take care to find them a spot well away from any direct light or heat. The petals of daffodils are especially sensitive to extreme temperatures, so sunny windows, or heaters, or other heat-generating appliances like ovens or hair styling tools can all cause your daffodils to prematurely wither and die. Kept in a less bright, cooler space you can expect your stems to live between five and seven days, if not a little longer!

Finally, a caution for pet parents.

While we don’t recommend your four legged friends ingesting any plants or flowers that aren’t grown specifically for edible purposes (e.g. cat grass), daffodils are toxic for animals so be sure to consider this when placing any flower delivery order. The bulb is the most toxic part of the plant but all of the other pieces, from the stems to the petals, can cause an upset stomach and worse. Please keep your daffodils out of the reach of any inquisitive paws!

Ready to get started? Shop daffodils and other spring blooms here!

Happy styling!


Team Farmgirl

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