Monstera Deliciosa
Plant Care
Step 1: Unbox Your Monstera Deliciosa
Bring in your monstera deliciosa plant once delivered and unwrap it from the box. Be careful of any dirt in the pot (or in the box!) that may have loosened while in transit. To help settle any that may have shifted, give your plant a gentle wiggle back and forth to level it out!
Important Note: Monsteras are toxic to cats and dogs so please make sure to keep this plant in a spot where your fur babies won’t be able to get to it.
Step 2: Water That Plant!
Monstera Deliciosa loves humidity! Water your plant when the top 1-2 inches of the soil gets dry. Allow the water to drain through the entire pot and don’t let it get “wet feet” (aka sit in water!) otherwise it will be prone to developing root rot. If you live in a colder climate, put rocks underneath your plastic pot in your vessel to help increase humidity.
Do your best to keep the leaves dust free clean and mist the leaves regularly so your plant stays happy (as if it was in the tropics!).
Step 3: Find A Balanced Spot
Tropical plants prefer a place where it will get nice bright early morning light, but not the harsh afternoon light (as it will cause the leaves to burn and stunt their growth)! So choose a place in your home with that balance to ensure its properly exposed to light and shade.
Plant Multiplication
We’re letting you in on a game-changing plant hack - propagation! This may be old news for those of you who’ve been plant obsessed for some time, but for you newbies, this technique uses clippings of one plant to make even more! You’ll need sterile scissors or clippers, a clear vase or vessel, water, and a little bit of patience.
Take your clipping and make cuts on both sides of each root/node, separating the vine into sections. As a result, you should have 4-5 individual leaves with the nodes and roots intact at the base of their stem.
Clean off any excess greenery at the base that would decompose in the water later on. After letting the cuttings dry out a bit (around 10 minutes or so), fit and arrange them into the vessel. Once the root systems begin to develop it will be more challenging to rearrange them, so keep your pot and location in mind when placing the leaves. Add enough water to the vessel to cover the roots and voila! After about two weeks you’ll start to see new growth and in around 2-3 months your plant will be ready for soil!
Helpful Hint: Troubleshooting Leaf Issues!
Brown or crispy leaf edges means there’s either too much direct sunlight (so best to relocate it to a shadier spot!) or not enough water (so try a little more H2O and get a good schedule down!).
Droopy leaves means too much water. Don’t worry though, Monstera is very resilient and can come back to life even if you’ve overwatered. Just keep her in a shaded area and let her/the soil fully drain (aim to dry out the top 1-2” of soil before you water again).