I have special delivery instructions. Can I provide them to the shipping courier?

To provide specific delivery instructions (e.g. need to provide a gate code, etc.), you’ll need to provide them directly to the shipping courier used to ship your Farmgirl Flowers package. Unfortunately, we cannot accept or provide delivery instructions to the shipping courier on your behalf. To do this, click on the tracking number link we provide via email once we’ve printed your shipping label (you can also find this information in the Open Orders section of My Account).

Once you’ve clicked on the tracking link, you’ll be taken to the shipping courier’s website where you can see the latest tracking information about your package. Depending on the courier being used, you may be able to submit delivery instructions or changes online but can always call into the courier’s Customer Support line for assistance.

Specific to UPS, you’ll need to register for UPS MyChoice in order to submit special instructions. Note that if the delivery instructions are provided to UPS website after it’s Out For Delivery, your package may be delayed.

Please note: while our delivery partners do their best to honor your special delivery instructions, we cannot guarantee they’ll be accommodated. Farmgirl Flowers is not liable for any lost, stolen, delayed, or damaged deliveries that result from your requests.